I am a documentary film director. Subjects of my films have included love, sex, 9/11, indigenous fisheries, hurricanes, refugees, HIV/AIDS orphans, and visualization of God. I am best known for the Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series of documentaries that simultaneously explore the vital role of sexual pleasure in committed relationships and the problematic place of explicit sexuality in cinema. This is my "Safe" blog.

BRETT AND MELANIE: Boi Meets Girl Meets the MPAA

Posted: March 10th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Okay, here’s the thing. I’ve always been better at paying people a fair day’s wages for a fair day’s work then doing the whole Mickey and Judy, “Let’s put on a show!” thing. People who work on my projects get union minimum or better. That’s the best way I know how to get the level of professionalism I need to make my films and it’s the best way I know how to show my appreciation for how hard people work to help me make my films. I have always been proud that these films pay there own way, without asking anyone to make any special sacrifices for “art”, or for the greater glory of Tony Comstock.

But I’m in a jam.

A few years ago I decided I needed to learn about the MPAA rating process first hand. I wasn’t sure why I thought I needed to do that, but somehow I knew. So even though my wife thought I was crazy, I paid to have MARIE AND JACK A HARDCORE LOVE STORY rated. What I learned about the ratings process helped me write “How X came to be mean Porn and the death of Movie Making for Grown-ups” right here on this blog back in 2007. That in turn became the basis for The Intent to Arouse project, and that project is how I got the gig guest blogging for James Fallows at The Atlantic.

Well I’ve got an itch in my brain again, this time about Brett and Melanie. Brett and Melanie needs to go through the MPAA ratings process and then needs to go through the rinse cycle with the other major content rating systems that are a part of our life.

I can’t tell you why, any more than I could tell Peggy why we needed to get Marie and Jack rated 5 years ago. I just know it needs to happen.

I also know I can’t do it alone. Not this time. BRETT AND MELANIE is a bigger movie than MARIE AND JACK, so the ratings fee is higher, and this time we’ve got bigger plans for what we’re going to do after we get the rating.


BRETT AND MELANIE: Boi Meets Girl Meets the MPAA, the Kickstarter Campaign

BRETT AND MELANIE: BOI MEETS GIRL is the seventh in an ongoing series of films from award-winning director Tony Comstock. All footage has been shot and the unrated director’s cut of the film has been completed.

The Boi Meets Girl Meets the MPAA project will submit BRETT AND MELANIE to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA.org) and on the basis of the MPAA’s feedback, we will produce a multi-angle DVD showing the exact different between the Unrated, NC-17, R and PG-13 rated version of the film.

Monies raised will go to covering MPAA submission fees, re-editing costs, and DVD authoring.

Videos of each rating version of the film will also be uploaded to popular video sharing sites, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, etc to see how various MPAA-rated versions are treated by the vagaries of Community Guidelines is TOS agreements.

Project backer will be asked to undertake Social Action Initiatives to register their support for the film in various social media platforms.

Of course we have a Kickstarter page:

Brett and Melanie: Boi Meets Girl Meets the MPAA Kickstarter Campaign

And of course we have a Facebook page:

Brett and Melanie: Boi Meets Girl Meets the MPAA Kickstarter Campaign on Facebook

What we need now is your help. We’ve got a whole host of rewards to make giving money worth your while. If you think this needs to happen, help me make it happen. Like getting MARIE AND JACK rated back in 2007, there’s no telling where it might lead!

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