I am a documentary film director. Subjects of my films have included love, sex, 9/11, indigenous fisheries, hurricanes, refugees, HIV/AIDS orphans, and visualization of God. I am best known for the Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series of documentaries that simultaneously explore the vital role of sexual pleasure in committed relationships and the problematic place of explicit sexuality in cinema. This is my "Safe" blog.

Tony Comstock, Live and In Person, One Night Only, National Coalition Against Censorship!

Posted: September 25th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Okay, this is last minute.


I was just invited to be a panelist at the National Coalition Against Censorship free screening of DESTRICTED, this Monday (9/27) at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Here my event bio:

Tony Comstock is a documentary film director. Subjects of his films have included love, sex, 9/11, indigenous fisheries, hurricanes, refugees, HIV/AIDS orphans, and visualization of God. He is best known for the Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series of erotic documentaries that simultaneously explore the vital role of sexual pleasure in committed relationships and the problematic place of explicit sexuality in cinema. Reaction to these films has ranged from critical and popular praise, to being banned from film festivals and police raids on DVD retailers.

Here are the details:

Web Page for the Event:

SVA Theatre
333 West 23 Street, by 6:00 PM.
Screening 6:30
Panel about 7:35

The event is free and you can RSVP here:

Whether or not you can make it to the panel, you can help us make the most out of this event by posting something about it on your blog, your Facebook page, Twittering, or whatever else you do.

And if you do show up, let’s say we all go out for cheesecake after. Sound good? See you there!

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